Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

Welcome Message

Hello and thank you for visiting!    I designed this site for people outside science, as well as for colleagues. This is my research site, and distinct from the site for my company, Brain Power. (FYI – I never completed this site, and I have not maintained it much since ~2011).
Ned Sahin trying on Google Glass

As a cognitive neuroscientist, I study how the brain computes the mind. My specific research is about how sets of brain cells process information (and team up with other sets of cells) to allow us to speak. Language is central to the human condition, so i am thrilled to be able to probe the brain’s language system in detail – to try to uncover part of its own internal language. Language can be impaired in developmental conditions such as autism, after brain injuries such as TBI or stroke, or in many widespread disease conditions.

Language is also unique to humans, which poses a limitation since all our experiments to understand it must thus be done on humans, rather than other animals. The problem is that current methods for measuring brain activity that can be ethically used with humans generally offer low resolution. My research benefits from a rare method that brings high-resolution brain-cell recording techniques to human studies (see the ICE method page).

One function of this web site is to share results of the research. Also, I hope that it will inspire you to participate in some way – please see the participation menu. Even if it just builds in you some passing curiosity about brain research, I will be happy and this site will have served a purpose!

Meanwhile, the site also has my cv and bio. Some media appearances and such are here (needs to be updated).

Thanks for dropping by, and I hope you enjoy the visit! Please send any feedback to make the site better. I also hope you might sign the guestbook while you are here.


Some recent pictures:

Ned Sahin - Google Glass - Brain Power Ned Sahin on the day he got Glass - summer 2013 Ned Sahin Google Glass - posed Ned Sahin in Philippines - Lecture at FPLA Ned Sahin and Nicole Sahin
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