Saturday, July 27th, 2024


Several principle collaborators have been essential supervisors and mentors for the projects represented on this site. Please see their web sites, and very brief summary of their role in these projects, below.


Eric Halgren, PhD    (www)   —   Post-doctoral supervisor. Founder/director of multi-center ICE consortium that enables this research.

Steven Pinker, PhD    (www)  —   My graduate-school supervisor and continuing mentor.

Terry Sejnowksi, PhD    (www)  —   Post-doctoral co-supervisor for upcoming project on decoding neurophysiology of natural speech.

Sydney S. Cash, MD, PhD    (www)  —   Epileptologist. Director of ICE studies for the Harvard teaching hospitals.

Thomas Thesen, PhD    (www)  —   Cognitive Neuroscientist. Director of ICE studies for New York University Medical.

Kai J. Miller, MD, PhD, PhD    (www)  —   Neurosurgeon in training; dual-PhD. Collaborator: microcircuit motifs; language decoding.

Thilo Womelsdorf, PhD    (www)  —   Co-author & collaborator for project on microcircuit motifs underlying neural oscillations.


Past Mentors and References:

Verne S. Caviness, Jr, MD, DPhil.    (www1 & www 2)   —   Undergraduate internship advisor and thesis supervisor; continuing mentor. Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Child Neurology and Mental Retardation, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. Former Chief of Child Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital.

Marsel Mesulam, MD    (www)   —   Supervisor for neuroscience internship when I was in high school, and continued mentor since then. Ruth and Evelyn Dunbar Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry, Northwestern University. Director of the Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Center, Northwestern University.

David N. Caplan, MD, PhD    (www 1 & www 2)   —   Undergraduate thesis co-advisor, and continuing mentor. Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School. Director of the Cognitive Behavioral Neurology Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital.


Future Collaborators:

I am excited to branch out and collaborate further. Whether it ends in a co-authored publication, or simply a spirited conversation, please contact me if you would like to share ideas. See the Join Forces page.

Recently, I have been developing collaborations and relations with several researchers across many linked fields. I look forward to co-authoring papers together, and thus earning the opportunity to list these collaborations on this page.


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