Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

Visitor Statistics

Hello! Thank you for visiting!
I have a fascination with seeing all the countries from which people visit this site.

I installed a web hit counter (by FlagCounter.com), which shows unique visitors along with their country flag. Visitors to this site since October 25, 2009 have come from the 183 countries whose flags are below. The total number of pageviews recently passed 160,000. Of the people who visit the site, almost half (~45%) are from outside the U.S.A.

It is always great to see hits streaming in from some of the countries where I have collaborators and colleagues, and indeed from ones I have never even visited.

You should see your country’s flag in lower left. Each visitor is counted once, regardless of how many pageviews by that visitor.

If you are unfamiliar with some of these flags or country codes, please see the master list here.

Unique Visitors

Below: World map, with flag of each country from which someone has visited this site (since October 25, 2009)…[currently, map is out of date and needs to be updated]

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